Legal notice

Aviso Legal:

In virtue of what is stipulated by the article 10 of the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform the user that the domain belongs, as the holder of:

FOODLUS SOLUTIONS S. L (hereinafter, Foodlus)

CIF: B06944862

C/ 'avenir 6, Barcelona 08006.

Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 41097, Folio 81, page M-728778, the first registration, provided with CIF B06944862, from now on, Foodlus.


The use of this website is governed by the present terms and conditions, including the content and services made available to users. It is for this reason that from Foodlus please read these terms carefully as they contain all the information relating to their rights and obligations.

You should know that with the mere access to the website as it will be considered a “user” of the same and thus accept expressly, automatically and voluntarily, and the conditions in force in each moment. In case you do not wish to accept them, you should not continue to use the website. Note that the access to it is free and does not require prior subscription or registration.

Foodlus reserves the right, in its sole and at any time, to revise these terms for changes arising from changes in legislation or corporate decisions, committing to publish, and with this report of the variations that may affect the users. These changes shall be considered accepted when the user continue to use the website.

Likewise, Foodlus reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the structure and design of the website, as well as the services or content. With these same terms, for the tasks of modification, repair, maintenance or improvements may suspend access to the website.

Could occur as a result of the modifications on the website described in the previous paragraph to include new content or services that in addition to being subject to these Terms of Use also to what they were under Particular Conditions or Special expanding or replacing the present. In the event of any discrepancy between the general and the particular, shall prevail provided in these latest.

Aviso Legal


In Foodlus we do not ship physical products.


During the use of this website, the user agrees to not contravene the current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order during the use of this website, being prohibited the use for illicit purposes, misleading, malicious, or harmful to Foodlus or third parties. Therefore, the use must be appropriate and right, avoiding the user to perform behaviors harmful to the image, interests and/or rights of Foodlus and/or third parties, or damage, disable or overload the website. Likewise, you must refrain from accessing, using and/or manipulate the data of Foodlus.

The user agrees to provide accurate information through communications with Foodlus, constituting itself as the only responsible of the damages or damages that could cause such information to be inaccurate or false, both Foodlus as to third parties.

Foodlus adopts the security measures reasonably adequate to detect the existence of viruses. However, it should be borne in mind that the security measures of the computer systems are not entirely reliable so that Foodlus can not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that might affect computer systems, documents and/or files of the user. We ask the users to refrain from or to introduce or disseminate in the network computer viruses or other physical or logical systems that may cause damage to Foodlus or third parties.

Foodlus reserves the right to take any necessary legal action in defence of their interests, or to suspend temporarily, and without prior notice, the accessibility to the website with a motive of operations of maintenance, repair, updating or improvement.


The content, photographs, videos, designs, text, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trade marks or any other signs that may be susceptible of merchantability or industrial use displayed on the website are the property of Foodlus, or third party owners who have duly authorized their inclusion on the website or in any social network, where Foodlus is present, except in those cases where there is an express indication to the contrary, and are protected, among others, by the standards of national and international intellectual and industrial property.

Reproduction of this website, as well as any of its contents, unless expressly authorized in writing of Foodlus. Without prejudice, the user will have the right to create links to the page of the website for the private non-commercial use subject to different conditions, reserving Foodlus the right to request, at any time, the immediate removal of any link to the website. The conditions are:

  • It will be a nonexclusive and revocable right.
  • You may not imply that Foodlus recommends that web site, services or products, or misrepresent your relationship.
  • Must not include content considered to be in bad taste, obscene, offensive, controversial, inciters to violence or discrimination by sex, race or religion, contrary to public order or unlawful.
  • The link should lead to the website, without which allows the reproduction as part of its web or within one of its frames or create a browser on any pages of the website.

Foodlus can not control the information, contents, products or services provided by other web sites that have established links to the website. For this reason, is not responsible for any aspect of such web sites.

Foodlus holds the ownership of the distinctive signs identifying their society, and therefore prohibited from reproduction, imitation, use or insertion of these distinctive symbols without our permission.


Foodlus is not responsible for deficiencies in the service of your service provider, or the networks of communication, or any problems resulting from the incorrect operation or use of non-optimized versions of any type of browser, as well as those arising from prolonged interruptions of electricity supply, telecommunications lines, social conflicts, strikes, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and in general all cases of force majeure or fortuitous event.

Both the access to the website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the exclusive responsibility of the user. Therefore, Foodlus is not responsible for the consequences that could lead to such use or access to information, and only proceed to the elimination, as soon as possible, the contents that may cause any kind of damage or injury, provided that this is notified or becomes aware.

Foodlus not responsible for possible security errors that may occur nor for any damage which give rise to the user's computer system, files or documents stored in it, when you have a virus from the computer of the user, the malfunctioning of the browser or use of non-updated versions thereof, of telephone faults, interference, omissions, or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system, motivated by causes beyond the control of Foodlus.


Aviso Legal

The present General terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed by Spanish legislation and, in particular, to the law on the protection of personal data (Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, in addition to the General Regulation of Protection of Data 2016/679 of the European Union) and the legislation in the field of services of the information society (Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of services of the information society and electronic commerce). Any dispute will be resolved before the Courts of Madrid.


The present Legal Notice regulates the access, navigation and use of this website.


In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform that:

  • The Domain name FOODLUS SOLUTIONS SL, with social address in C/ Joan Miró, number 4, Barcelona 08005.; a company recorded at the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 41097, Folio 81, page M-728778, the first registration, provided with CIF B06944862, from now on, Foodlus.
  • You can get in touch with us via the following e-mail address


The access and/or use of the Website attributes the condition of User, and accepts, from such access and/or use of, this Legal Notice and, in their case, the changes in the same.


The Web Site may provide access to a multitude of texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information (hereinafter, the “Contents”) belonging to Foodlus or to third parties that the User can access.

The User assumes responsibility for the use of the Website. This responsibility extends to the record that, in his case, is required to access the Content of the Web Site.

The User undertakes to make appropriate use of Content offered through the Website including but not limited to, not to use for (i) engaging in illegal activities, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) cause damage to the physical and logical systems of the owner of the Website, its suppliers or third parties, (iii) enter or disseminate in the network computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are capable of causing the aforementioned damage.


All the rights on the Content, design and source code of this Web Site and, in particular, but not limited to, all the rights to the photographs, images, texts, logos, designs, trademarks, trade names, data that is included on the Web Site and any other rights of industrial and intellectual property are the property of Foodlus, or third parties who have expressly authorized it to Foodlus for the use of the same on your Website.

For this reason and in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, regularizing, clarifying and harmonizing the legal provisions in force on the subject, as well as in the Law 17/2001 of 7 December Marks and complementary legislation in the field of intellectual and industrial property are expressly prohibited the reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, distribution, public communication, including its modality of making available, of the whole or any part of the Contents of the Web Site, in any support and by any technical means, unless expressly given permission in writing by Foodlus.

Foodlus not grant any license or authorization of use of any of their rights of intellectual and industrial property or any other property or right related to the Web Site, and in no event shall the access to and navigation of the Users implies a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial cession of said rights.

Any use of the content not previously authorized by Foodlus will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual property rights or industrial, and give rise to the legally established responsibilities.


Foodlus declares that it has adopted the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of the technology, allow the correct operation of its Web Site, as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, Foodlus can not be responsible for: 

(a) the continuity and availability of the Content. 

(b) the absence of errors in said Contents or the correction of any defect that may occur. 

(c) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components.

(d) damage or damage caused by any person that violates the systems security Foodlus.

Foodlus may be suspended temporarily and without prior notice, the accessibility to the Website with a motive of operations of maintenance, repair, updating or improvement. However, whenever circumstances permit, Foodlus communicated to the User, with sufficient notice, of the date for the suspension of the content.

Foodlus not responsible for the use that users may make of the Content contained in the Web Site. In consequence, Foodlus does not warrant that the use that users may make of the Contents that are included in the Web-Site, you conform to this Legal Notice, nor that they do so diligently.


The Web Site may contain hyperlinks that allow the User to access Web pages of third parties. Foodlus assumes no responsibility for, the content, information or services that may appear on those sites, which are understood to be offered exclusively information character on the part of Foodlus, and in no case imply a relationship, acceptance or endorsement between Foodlus and the people or entities of such contents or sites where they are found.


The terms and conditions of this Legal Notice shall be in force until they are modified, being able to Foodlus. to make these changes that will be communicated to the User.

Foodlus will be able to delete, add or change both the Content and the manner in which the same appear located or presented. Are to be understood as applicable, the conditions which are published at the time in which the user accesses the Web Site of Foodlus.


These Terms and Conditions are subject to Spanish law. In case of conflict, the parties submit to the Courts and tribunals corresponding to the address of Foodlus, unless the law expressly provides for other jurisdiction.

Foodlus takes very seriously the protection of your privacy and your personal data. By that, it fully complies with the legislation in force regarding the protection of data of a personal nature for which your personal information is kept securely and treated with the utmost care.


In accordance with the law of services of the information society 34/2002 guarantees the user the possibility to stop receiving commercial information in a maximum period of one month from which he communicates his will through e-mail addressed to


Foodlus Aviso Legal

What is your mission?

"We are and we advise our clients to take full advantage of Yantar+, helping them to monetize their business."

What you think is the main problem that has the most restaurants?

“The lack of staff qualified and the need to digitize all of its management.”

What do you think of Foodlus as a solution of order and payment for restaurants? What benefits has been provided to your customers?

“Foodlus is an essential tool for our clients, for faster service, reduced waiting times, increases turnover and makes the work of the staff.”

What is it that you most value of Foodlus as a company?

“The availability and professionalism that you have shown us. In addition to the satisfaction of our customers to use it.”

What is the collaboration with Foodlus?

“Is to provide a method of payment for fast and safe via QR code at restaurants. In addition, since Bizum we offer a discount of £ 2 on orders paid with Bizum through Foodlus.”

What is the future of payments in the restoration?

"I see a future where payments in the restoration will be fully digital. With solutions such as Foodlus, we're moving toward a payment experience that is intuitive and fluid, accessible from any device."

How do you value Foodlus as a solution of order and payment to restaurants and its benefits?

“Foodlus boosts the digitalisation of the restoration simplifying processes, reducing waiting times and improving efficiency. When integrated with the POS, facilitates the registration and the management of orders, increasing as well the sales.”

Centralcash es un software TPV versátil que proporciona soluciones robustas para la administración de operaciones en la hostelería, incluyendo gestión de inventarios, control de personal y procesamiento eficiente de transacciones.

Masterpan® TPV es la aplicación POS (Point Of Sale), o Punto de Venta, que permite la operación y gestión completa de los puntos de venta especialmente para la Pastelería y Panadería.

Nerón software es una herramienta especializada para el sector de la hostelería, que destaca por su interfaz intuitiva y su capacidad para optimizar la gestión de pedidos y reservas, mejorando la experiencia del cliente y la eficiencia operativa.

Foodeo ofrece un sistema TPV adaptado a la hostelería que ayuda a mejorar la gestión del servicio con funciones de pedido digital, seguimiento de cocina y análisis detallado de la actividad del restaurante, todo enfocado en maximizar la rentabilidad.

Lastapp es un sistema TPV diseñado para la hostelería que facilita la gestión integral de restaurantes y bares, ofreciendo funciones avanzadas para la gestión de pedidos, facturación y análisis de ventas en tiempo real.

Schultes Kassen, es una solución integral para hostelería diseñada para optimizar las operaciones de bares, restaurantes y cafeterías, automatizando las transacciones y mejorando la gestión del servicio al cliente.

BDP, es un programa de gestión para bares, restaurantes y cafeterías que permite resolver de forma fácil las problemáticas que surgen en el día a día de cualquier negocio del sector.

Hosteltáctil, es un software de gestión para hostelería. Con Hosteltáctil puedes controlar y gestionar tu negocio de hostelería de una manera intuitiva.

Yantar+, es un software de gestión para hostelería. Fácil de utilizar y muy intuitivo. Totalmente configurable y con múltiples estadísticas.

Ágora, es un software TPV enfocado a restauración, retail y market.
Gracias a Ágora, podrás gestionar con mayor eficacia tu negocio, sea del tamaño que sea.

Revo es un software punto de venta para restauración y retail. Dos soluciones de punto de venta especializadas con módulos complementarios (apps-satélite) que se adaptan a ti.

Proporciona tecnología avanzada para la industria de la hostelería, incluyendo sistemas TPV, gestión de reservas y pedidos en línea. Su enfoque está en mejorar la eficiencia operativa y la experiencia del cliente en restaurantes y bares.

Proporciona soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas para la gestión de ventas en sectores como hostelería y comercio minorista. Ofrecen instalación, configuración y soporte técnico para sistemas TPV, ayudando a los negocios a optimizar sus operaciones y mejorar la experiencia del cliente.

Centralizamos las ventas online de tu restaurante. Centraliza tu operativa, ahorrando tiempo y dinero.

  • Todos tus pedidos y reservas, en una app
  • Recibe pedidos en tu TPV, sin picarlos a mano
  • Solicita repartidores automáticamente
  • Gestiona la carta de los canales en una app
  • Centraliza tus flujos administrativos
  • Descubre y contrata servicios con un click
  • Contratos, pagos y facturas multiplataforma

Plataforma de pagos digitales que facilita la integración de múltiples métodos de pago para comercios en línea y físicos. Es conocida por su facilidad de integración y su capacidad para manejar transacciones de manera segura y eficiente.

Proporcionan soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas específicamente diseñadas para la hostelería, ofreciendo un software intuitivo y sencillo que facilita el proceso de cobro, permite una personalización completa del catálogo de productos y muestra imágenes atractivas de los platos.

Es un proveedor de servicios de telecomunicaciones que ofrece soluciones de comunicación personalizadas para empresas, incluyendo VoIP, banda ancha y redes empresariales.

Solución para eventos que brinda una experiencia de usuario única al asistente y simplifica la gestión operativa y las necesidades de marketing al promotor.

Empresa tecnológica que se especializa en ofrecer soluciones de software y hardware para la mejora de la gestión y la comunicación dentro de las empresas. Su enfoque está en maximizar la eficiencia operativa a través de tecnologías avanzadas.

Multinacional española que ofrece servicios de seguridad integral, incluyendo vigilancia física, transporte de valores, y sistemas de alarmas para hogares y negocios. Se destaca por su enfoque en la innovación en tecnología de seguridad

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